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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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Levels with succinct capitalized names, perfect orb placement, 0 friction, perfect balance with a joint, and you even capitalized the first letter of your username? You're making all of my OCD dreams come true. Goodbye. I'll miss you. I know when something is too good to last.
Thank you Jeff. I actually created these levels 10 years ago, literally. I only came back here recently. I have few more to share in my inventory. The friction force seems to be different now, so I need to adopt some of my works.
10 years ago? Wow, you go way back. Yes, on your point about friction. The ease of drawing shapes and lines, and the movement in GM2 is all a bit smoother than in GM1. It's been a fairly addictive game for some of us. And no matter how many years we play it, every once in awhile some new trick in level creating pops up that none of us knew before.