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Im thinking of doing a youtube video of my motorcycle maybe a short ride and look around the bike

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Don't quite get this level yet. Shout out for levels 2414 and 2416 by Ossi and Jeff. Nice work fellas.
Me too, its a bad Attempt at a Yamaha Logo
No it's awesome Karl. And a lotta people don't know that Yamaha started out making musical instruments, thus the tuning forks in the logo. I actually worked in a little piano store briefly about 20+ years ago, and we sold Yamaha pianos, which were phenomenal. The coolest one was the Disklavier, which was an actual baby grand piano that you could play and record your music and it would physically play it back, including the keys and pedals moving and hammers hitting the strings. Blew my mind.
ah man thats sweet, i bet it was so cool working there getting to test out the instruments :) ive only ever seen someone play piano once and it was brilliant :)
I did get that it was a Yamaha logo. Not into motorbikes so much, but yes on music (I've played on Yamaha electric pianos and such before too.) I was saying I didn't really know how to get this level to work with me. Still not really sure, though I have now completed it once...
Yamaha make some good instruments quite advanced on the keyboard, if any of yous have played guitar or into guitar you should check out Yamaha F310 acoustic,. sounds amazing :)
Absolutely! I'm a fan of Yamaha guitars too. Very good quality and easy on the wallet for folks like me who are poor as hell lol. I still have my old Yamaha FG401 acoustic that I did this with many years ago: https://youtu.be/CQQuPp8VZYQ (I played my old Korg X2 for all other music on the track.) --- Do you play guitar Karl!? We need to get a GM international band together :)
wow that's brilliant Jeff, i bet it took some time to edit it all together really nice man and i use to but i cant really hack it but i have tried,i can play harmonica i learned the free willy tune so if we created GM international i could be the harmonica guy
Thanks! Yes it took a looong time, mostly because I have to play things 50,000 times before I'm happy with it. ---- Okay, excellent. And we can get Bob to orchestrate some strings for the background of your Free Willy solo lol. Be careful though, he likes to hog the spotlight. There's a real danger of him chiming in with some of that freaky Mongolian throat singing right in the middle of your solo!
That’s kool I’m not one for spotlight I’ll stay in the back way out the way then bob can have the whole stage for his throat singing I think ossi would be good at the base guitar and I bet engin is a secret pro drummer
Gerry is our resident drum aficionado. Engin will have to pick a different instrument. Maybe he can play the Turkish ney (flute)? Ossi is on the road crew, carrying instruments, but he's also in charge of the acquisition of hard drugs for the band. Which, for most of us means Xanax, Ambien, Extra-strength Tylenol, and high cholesterol meds.
I was the drummer of the school marching band. And I'm good at ney. I can contribute to the group in two ways.
You got the job! We can have TWO drummers. We'll shake up the world :)
[throat sings] Aaaaaaaaaaaaargggghhhhhhhhh. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargggghhhhhhhhh. Aaaaaaaaaaaaargggghhhhhhhhh.
Btw, thanks for the shout-out, Bob. Glad to have you checking out some old stuff, although that one wouldn't rank very high on my own BRIS scale. At any rate, glad ya liked it :)
Make the YouTube video Karl! That would be awesome. --- And on a weird note, last night I was watching a TV show called The Blacklist, and a song came on that was so cool I had to rewind the show and "SoundHound" the song to see what it was. I emailed the name to myself and looked it up this morning and the video features a dude (near the beginning) riding a motorcycle, lol. Here it is: https://youtu.be/6p6PcFFUm5I
thats a catchy song not heard of him before, looks like he is on a bmw style bike, shame not many music videos feature motorbike other than this and james blunt bonfire heart witch is an amazing song, maybe im just motorcycle obsessed
Wow, cool song and GREAT video. Never heard that song before. --- You should make a video of a nice ride around your area and some shots of your bike :)
i will do once we get some nice weather were ment to have a heat wave soon lol
Sounds good, although, I have a feeling one of your heat waves would feel like a cool autumn day to me. For the last 3 months I've felt like somebody's blasting me in the face with a blowtorch every time I walk out the front door here in Florida!
Yup our hottest day so far this year was 24 degrees Celsius , i think its 75 degree Fahrenheit US, i dont know how you cope, i would love to go to the US one day just not when its very hot which by the sound of it is rarely lol
Oh man, you said 75 and I got jealous. We just broke a local record for the date last Friday of 97F/36.1C. July and August were friggin' brutal. Perpetually in the 90's and sometimes even cracking 100 (32C-39C). All I can do is stay inside and watch the tube. Fortunately, that's my favorite thing in life, so I guess it all works out.
1C ( finally )