
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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you obviously have to fully break the GM code and re-write it from scratch to achieve this, which is exceptional. But my computer (and my skills) is/are too slow to cope :-(
Ok mate, thanks for giving it a whirl. ---- I hope you try the Opera browser sometime. If you do try it, let me know, and then I can stop repeating myself like an insane person.
I'm writing this from within Opera. I hate my stupid broadband. I only upgraded from copper to fiber because they told me it would be faster. It isn't. It is CONSIDERABLY slower. Bloody annoying ISP. And changing browsers has not helped.
Thanks for trying it. On one of my PC's, Opera runs GM much better than the browser the PC came with. ---- I think it'll probably be something like your computer's RAM or processor affecting the smoothness/speed of GM. Once you load a game, you can disconnect from the internet completely and still play that level, which means it's not a matter of your clicks and mouse movements interacting with the server GM is on. I think the only interaction with the server is to load the game into Flash on your computer, and then transmit your score back to the server after you play the level. ---- Sorry to hear Opera didn't help. That seriously sux, bro.
I'll get a new computer next year probably. Will see if that helps. Like your bonsai tree motif!
:) I'd say. Slow PC better then faster PC for G.M.
Sounds good Bob. I haven't bought a new computer in over 10 years. I order a refurbished one every few years. Usually about 250-$300 gets a decent one. ---- Thanks. Wax on, wax off, eh?
sure thing Miyagi.
Okay, that was painful. Stupid ball actually made it to the left hand side of the screen for once, only to be belted back to the right.