V For Vagas

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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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gerry rules!
I have never seen any episode of Game of Thrones. Not ever.
gerry sux big time!!!
Today's the day we found out that Gerry's life has no purpose.
All you have to do is click my name: gerry History Member for 5 years 6 months
[Hm, what the hell am I supposed do when I'm about to debate someone and the FIRST thing they say is more powerful than anything I was going to say?] ...gerry rules! ...again!
gerry rules!
Me Too :( But there is so many now i would never catch up even if i wanted too.
About 4 years ago, Ossi strongly suggested that I watch Game of Thrones. Within five minutes of episode ONE, I was totally hooked. I spent the entire weekend binge-watching the whole show. It has better actors, special effects and WRITING than most of the movies at the theaters. If you guys ever get a chance to catch it from the beginning, and you aren't offended by some "adult language" and "adult situations", please give it a try.
And dragons, don't forget the dragons!!!
gerry rules! Oh, and Tavros.
I think Ossi might be an AI. Tavros definitely is an AI.