A Star Is Born

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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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a pain in the neck is created. And not by craning it to see the star neither...
You can go straight to HELL!
I must admit though, this level is bloody unique and fucking interesting.
Hey, thanks man! ....whew, this comment thread is a real emotional roller coaster.
First warning: foul language!!! Kids, be aware or unca O will wash your mouth with soap!!!
Vedä vittu päähän ja pakene vuorille!! --- Kids, to protect your innocence, please don't Google this. Unca J had to be very harsh with Unca O in his own language. (It made Unca J happy.)
Voi lapsi rakas, ei saa puhua tuhmia tai joulupukki ei tuo lahjoja.