Tricky Angle 33

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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Finns are sneaky...
Gerry and others, think out of the box, do things other way!
Gerry says you can go to HELLsinki...
gerry, whyyyy?...
I can cross 50 but 51 seems above my pay grade!!
Hmm. How can I put this... Ossiukko made this level, so try doing the DUMBEST thing you can think of, and see what happens!
Dumbest thing to solve this is to ask Jeff. Smartest thing is to send me 50.000$ and I will tell you...
By "Ha", Aaa means: You can go to HELLsinki!
aaa, whyyyy?..
Because Jeff told me that it is the best place for Ossiukkos!