
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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See "Too Many Orbs"!
Not you too...
Sorry aaa for the level, but this kiddy line levels must be broken...
Enhanced translation, haha: "Sorry aaa for the level, but this string of childish levels must be broken..." I agree, I agree :P
No problem! I charge $1US for each letter of the translation! So, you owe me $5,000! (I'm maybe not good at math, haha)
You're incorrigible :)
I agree too! :)
Awww, Aaa gave you only 1 star, haha! 0/5 from me!!!! Hahaha :P
"Solidarity", Aaa! That means YOU have to make one now, haha :)
What, NO WAY! :) :) This type of level is the opposite of elegant!
It depends on how it's made. But the point of our little protest is that it'd be good to just delete all levels that are self-solving, non-scoring, zero scoring, or error scoring. But Admin probably has a real life apart from this website, lol, so if that's not possible, that's fine. I'm just glad this website exists!!
The only way this type of level could be elegant is if the error score was 3.14159265358...
"jefff"? Are you my doppelganger now? EDIT: Oh my god, now your "Tavras"?? THIS IS GETTING CONFUSING!!
Shame ...
Uh ohhhh, look at the scores. It looks like Aaa has ALSO been the victim of an identity thief!
Do you like my new avatar, Jeff ?
Who is this? I'm getting confused, haha. Ohhh, okay, okay, it's the REAL Tavros! Yes, this avatar is very good :P
Thank you my friend :)
Okay Aaa, let's not do the "Tavras" thing. The fate of our planet is in your hands. PLEASE DO NOT ANGER TAVROS!!
Promise !?!?
Yes, lol. :) That was funny! :)
Hey - ааа - you must be a Morpheus! Think please about your avatar!
You have reduced yourself to only one "a". For this act of humility, you may now reclaim any of the multiple "a" names you wish. And you will be blessed for all your days.... EDIT: Or, you can just call yourself, uhh, "lizard"??
Who are you Zeus? Tavros or jeff, or... are you someone I do not know?
I cannot identify myself further, but I can tell you that Jeff is my most precious creation...
Thank you Zeus... right back at ya!
So, you are saying Zeus is jeff? (yes, I know you are...)
Sadly, I suspect Zeus will be gone until he is needed again. I am merely a lowly mortal, and Tavros is an alien. You'll just have to be glad you have us, haha :)
I would say you are Tavros, but something about you makes me think "jeff".
"Lizard"... I like it! You need a lizard avatar! :)
I did that one time when I was aaaaaa, you did not see it? :)
I have a terrible memory, haha. I'd like to see it!
You're a frog now?? Haha, okay, I give up. At this point it just seems like you have Multiple Personality Disorder, lol...
lol, that is all?
This level sure has a lot of comments for sucking.
Now you added one on, lol. :)
Jeez, Oop, you don't sugarcoat anything do you? This is just a funny level from Tavros sort of protesting all of the non-scoring levels lately. I made one too.