Simplest Ever

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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WHAT THE .... :D
3016 and YOU need help?
...I had not even thought about trying to circle...interesting thought, thank's. Maybe I try, poor "R"...<><><>Not even close!!!! Somebody better than me have to do it.
Ossiukko, this is a HELL of a level, haha.. Zena, please send me a new R button :)
The check is in the mail! And Ossiukko can tell you, when I mail checks they ALWAYS arrive at their destination, haha :P
Would you say devilish kind of hellish, then it would be as if in line with the recent levels...<><><> and yes, Jeff's check are like his missile: without address and dud...
Jep! That would be a good way to describe it! <><><> Heyyy.......... Okay that's true, haha.. <><><> Whoops! Forgot to give you 5/5 for torturing me! (Thanks for the reminder, Tavros :)
Wow, look at me, look at me, haha :) ... "Your rating: 5 Average: 5 (2 votes)"
Thanks, Zena :) <><><> Wow - 02:24 ... !! Goodnight ;)
Excellent solutions, Tavros and Zena! (Without your scores, I would have stayed at 2972 :)
Nice new avatar ossiukko :)