Who is the fastest

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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).

Simply: who is the fastest

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I like your style, Null!!!
I like your style, ossiukko :)
Look at me, look at me - I'm first!
No, I was first, you have best score.
Please excuse me for this inaccuracy :(
You are pardoned my friend!!!
Thanks, my friend! I feel better now :)
anything to make happy campers
I'm the best ever!!! Haha, no, no, I know Tavros is just getting warmed up. Okay, play it for real! Noeb and Libre can also easily pass me, I'm sure...
Haha ... ok :)
Yes, there is balance in the universe again :)
(little voice) I still was first.....
... and I am the last ... (w/o voice)
(in sign language) And I am somewhere in the middle.. How boring and unimpressive :'(
Maybe that's your thing... just kidding, or am I?
Haha, funny ...
We're creating a monster, haha..
I'm waiting for this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuoKNZjr8_U
Classic :)
If you want to be a PREMIUM player, you must have a 2 in your score, haha..
... or 51 ... , haha :)
Null is not good enough at gravity master to get a score higher than 150 on this level, haha. Ossiukko might be able to get 2 points higher. I don't know.. :P
Haha, nice!
I try and try, no can do, 150 is my max!
Well, after a few MONTHS of practice on GM, maybe you can come back to this level and get 152! :)
I'll pe pak!!!
No. :P And, you don't have a 2 in your score...
No, but I'm only one who have 51.... waaaiit a minute, aaarghh!!!