Donk It

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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Great level. Shame I still only have one basket (and it wasn't the one that completed the level for me!) But I'll keep trying.
Good to having you back!!! I was getting a bit worried already...
Been a bit annoying on the work front recently, i.e. I'm still looking for some. Trying to do a non-fiction self-publishing book business while I apply for more normal work, but it aint a quick fix. Will keep ploughing away.
After about a million tries I got a smooth basket-then-hit-c-to-get-last-target. Still bottom of the pack in scores! Dang. I think the idea must be to use the same c for both starting the ball moving, and having it carome off it towards the last target. But when I tried this, the c is never in the right spot to do both jobs.
You know what to do, 1C and thats it!!!
Me likey
Jeff, you exist!!!
Nope. I'm a figment of your imagination.