Easter Island Ruckus

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).

Idea is from Bob's level of course.

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Fight, fight, fight!
They get so angry when they are close lol
Petrified, giant battlebots! Mystery solved!!!
awesome! Except for some reason they remind me of Elvis...
Itse olet Elvis
Aww man Bob, now all I see is Elvis. No, wait... okay yeah, the one on the left is DEFINITELY Cher! It's a Cher vs. Elvis knock-down drag-out brawl! ---- https://youtu.be/W5uiDK8rxx0
Hey Karl, if you start the video [link above] and then hit the R button on this level right when Cher first starts singing (at 0:16), you may see something very funny for about half a minute depending on what speed your system runs the game at. For me it syncs up pretty closely. (I'm saying this to Karl because I know the rest of you lazy bast@rds won't be able to muster up the energy to try it.)
Itse olet sinappi
Mmmm, yeah sometimes.
With b
I will deffenatly be trying this in the morning dude and let you know how it goes lol i run 2 screens side by side with nvidia graphics so should manage it i hope
Aw nice 'puter setup bro, but I just meant the music from that song playing in the background makes this level a bit funnier when started at the right time. Dual monitors aren't a must. Just hit the play button on the youtube vid, then switch back to GM and several seconds later hit the R button when Cher's voice starts. On my system it looks like they're swaying in time to the song, even when they start hitting the wall. And the song is just some random thing I pulled up because it had a picture of Cher on it lol.