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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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Admin only comes out of retirement to play Jeff levels haha ;) <><><><> Just in case he/she falls off the scoreboard, it's --> admin - 174841
this is one of those ones where I don't care how many shapes I have to draw to solve the level.
so bloody good.
Thanks mate
nice jeff very sweet curve on this :) i did plan on making a level today but ive spent far to long playing everyone's older levels XZQ and zena had some crazy stuff on theres lol really cool to go through all the older levels. sometimes i like to delete the level number out the top url and replace it with a random number and see what you get :)
Thanks Karl :) XZQ levels are some premium stuff for sure. Zena was awesome, and a brilliant player. I hope she comes back someday. The random number idea is great! I'm gonna give that a try.
its quite fun not had one of mine yet lol
Your first was 4302, so don't be lookin for one by you any earlier than that haha.
lol yeah i checked that, but still havnt come accross one randomly lol