Slide City

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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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Not cool!
You're not allowed in Slide City anymore. Stay away!
Gerry, you can stay. You're the beloved mayor of Slide City! ( spite of all the drug & prostitution scandals.)
So cool. Instant 4.2 and going in my favourites.
Thanks! ---- By the way, I FINALLY got my invitation in the mail for the 2019 BRIS Awards. Strangely, it was only an invitation to be an usher, helping people find their seats and what not. I'm sure this is some kind of mix-up, so I'll be there in the finest tux I can afford to rent, ready to accept however many awards are coming my way.
Yeah, please wear something nice Jeff, we're expecting a full house and many prominent people (Karl, Ossi, Sun and of course the fabulous Gerry to name but a few.) You'll get your usher's flashlight upon receipt of the deposit. And Jeff, don't bother reading in these square brackets [everyone else, remember Jeff will be our surprise liftetime honours award recipient this year. Remember, as soon as the band fires up with the music, that's when Ossi's to release the balloons shaped like chihuahuas, and when Sun releases the confetti printed with chihuahuas, and when Karl grabs his trumpet to play the solo part with the band, and when Gerry walks on stage to MC the lifetime honours award. The personality I've jacked up to actually announce it is our very own Tavros! So let's get it right everyone!]
Ohh, so it is just an usher gig. Well, that's okay I guess. I'm excited to finally meet everybody and I will happily carry out my usher duties with diligence, respect, grace, honour, wisdom, profound creativity, a bit of genius-level humour, and humility. ....Hee hee, I just had a funny thought. If there was ever an occasion where my qualities needed to be listed, the person listing them could probably just copy-and-paste the second half of that last sentence and save himself some trouble. I'm sure that would be helpful. I'm all about being helpful :) .....(they should add "helpfulness" to the list)
Could i be a police detective, i think i could be good at that :) i already suspect that Engin is planning a attack on the score board, Mr bob didnt put his rubbish bin out for removal, Jeff is Secretly Sabotaging Ossiukko's Plot To Outcast Gerrys Mayorship, and i have a apb out for ffej, excuse my weird imagination ha ha :)
Hahaa brilliant stuff Karl :) ---- Well, as the town's PEEPING TOM (according to Mrs. Slocombe, Miss Brahms, Mrs. Bucket, Mrs. Good, Mrs. Leadbetter, and MANY others), you have more experience with "investigation" and undercover work than any of the rest of us, so yes, you're hired!
Is that what this darn lady’s have been saying about me I did tell them I was simply checking the trees for thorns and trapped crows but never the less I’m looking forward to working for SCPD :’-)haha
Welcome aboard! ---- Trapped crows, hahaha, that one got me :P
It's better than crapped trou's
i like what you did there bob lol