Peter Torque

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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is there some clever off-the-edge-of-the-screen mechanism I should be activating? Darn thing wont move more than about 15 degrees clockwise or anti-clockwise.
The way i did it was get the little cube in the top of it then it rotates it round then D at the top to allow the ball to drop
That's the gist of it, Bob. A couple of fun things get you some extra points. One is the timing of the cube drop, and the other is if you're a little bit adventurous with how you get the last orb.
what the heck are you talking about? Of course I tried deleting the cube. Does nothing, except when you delete the little circle holding back the big circle (you know, the one with a crop circle protruding from it, at the top of the screen,) it makes that big circle swing a bit easier. It does NOT 'rotate it round.' It only allows it to swing a bit more. But still no more than about 45 degrees left and right. And the ability to get the big thing doing that does not help my cause. [Incidentally, you said nothing about deleting the little circle holding back the big one, but of course if you delete the cube and then don't delete the little circle, nothing at all happens.) <><><><> Okay, worked out something different by causing the square to go in the little area at the top of the bottom shape. THAT's what caused it to go around. (Don't ask me why, Jeff is obviously a magician of some sort.)
A slow turning joint was used to attach the cube to a small -1 density object, causing the cube to rotate. ----- The idea is to release the crop circle by deleting the small round object, and then delete the crop circle as the cube swings over above the square slot (most easily done by double clicking at the top of the screen where part of the big round object is exposed). If you drop it on its first swing towards the right, you'll get a pretty good score.