Dr. Kananga

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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I can't delete the deletable things! Dagnabit. Tried double-clicking 257 trillion times. Never works. If Astro won't fix this site, us fans have to make a new identical-but-better one. Peeving me off I can tell you.
I have to do it on "low" quality then it functions better. cool level!
Agreed! Delete, not working normally. Low quality is same.
"Not working", what did you expect, this is Jeff-made level, he doesn't have enough experience...
click-click: empty revolver, anything gets destroyed, nobody gets killed.
You're all a bunch of dipshits! ...with the notable exception of my pal Gerry. Gerry rules! <><><> Addendum: Bob rules too! (..for his humility in the face of being called a dipshit, but mainly for the fact that he complimented my level without needing to play it :)
I have to say, even though apparently I'm a dipshit (probably true to be honest,) this LOOKS like a fun level. I sure would like to have a go at it if whatever server GM is using is upgraded from vacuum tubes and clanking servos into something resembling 21st century tech.
awesome level , however I too had to play it on low quality
Thanks, bb. I'm not sure what the reason is. Either something is different with GM, or my 6 joints and 25 shapes with a lot of different density/restitution/etc settings caused this one to act especially goofy. I guess time will tell if we're about to start having more problems than before. I hope not.