
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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Kool level Karl :) Here's your image if you decide to go back to it: https://postimg.cc/cgSpzZng
Ah cool thanks jeff and i know its a basic level but i wanted to upload something, so did you manage to fix the register
Basic levels are great. Now that new folks can register again, it'd be good for creators to upload the occasional easy/fun level so that new players can enjoy GM. --- I didn't have anything to do with the fix. I saw a message on GM a few nights ago talking about some site maintenance happening, so the next time I logged on, I looked to see if the CAPTCHA problem had been fixed, and it had.
Yes, yes it was me, your friendly neighborhood pig. Now you all send me some money, to show how gratefull you are!
I'm too poor to send you anything. Everybody knows that chihuahuas are terrible at money management.
I Could send you 10 zillion cookies
Karl, you are my new favourite!