I am sleepy, so I made a level.

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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Yes, there is an intended solution. You guys will most likely find a way to ignore it though! Good luck.
NaNaNaNannaaNANAnanNNAnanNAn NaNNy NaNnY boo boo! Great level!
How dare you beat my score and then taunt me cleverly! lol. Thanks!
I can't think any clever thing to say, good to play a-levels again!
Well, I can't think of anything clever to say about you not being able to think of something clever to say. Oh, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Hint: I find it easiest to beat this level by drawing a shape somewhere within the first two seconds. Another shape may be necessary depending on how that one plays out. It is a type of level that you have to be willing to press the R key if things don't play out well enough at the start of your solution.
1C! I see a potentially better 1C method than what I did, but it likes to freak out and spin like crazy around the circle almost forever before it manages to get the last orb.
1C. Really!
Around 105 should be possible. I almost got a much better score a couple times, but the ball missed the last orb by a millimeter both times. But I have a feeling we're probably all seeing the same method by now.
Method? Me got no method, me play by luck!
Heyyy, nice!
Hmm. I have a few plan but still not working. You find another working method. Wow.
Hmm... this level seems to be at least a little bit trickier than I thought it was when I made it.
Maybe you're not sleepy enough. Try it again at 1AM. That's when YOUR brain is at it's best.
Ha! Take that! One point!
Gaaa! The ultimate GM insult!! Friendship status: Terminated
Laaa rules!
Good job, Engin!