
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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"Yawn" because you get bored when you get a super low score? :P
Lazy way!
And no, I am just sleepy. I have been trying to do it with 1C, but so far lazy way is my only working way.
Well yes, you DEFINITELY should keep trying to do it with 1C ;)
It doesn't want to work. But, I am stubborn. I want it to work! It must work! I must keep on trying even if it looks like it won't work!
I'm sure it will work! Don't go to sleep until it happens!! ......although...cough cough...I didn't actually do it that way myself..
Then you must join me in attempting the impossible(?) 1C method!
You're hypnosis abilities are very weak. I ain't doin' it!
I made a level, therefore you must try to beat this level with IC for at least 1 hour. Perfect logic! (Don't worry, I'm not actually asking you to)
Logical Error--error--eror--err--rrorr---erorrr--- >>HEAD EXPLODES<<
i think 1C could be possible although its hitting it at the right time right place
Koink :)