
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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Yep, but "aaa" is the best out of all the possible "a" configurations lol. Good to see you! This level was funny. When I was making it, the weird thing happening would cause "a" to appear in the top left where it now says NaN (after uploading it).
Good to see you too! Yeah, I saw the a when I went a looked at it. Amusing bug.
Ok. So I drop a c. the thing (because I'm so awesome, not because it was a total unbelievably lucky fluke,) flies directly towards the target (having superb reflexes I managed to delete the thing it was sitting on before it hit the right wall. All reflexes, nothing like that being a one-in-a-hundred occurence.) Then stops a tiny way from it and disappears. This is very NaNnoying!!!!!
Something super weird just happen: C an ball both bounce once and don't disappeared?
i noticed NaN too
Soundtrack for the level: https://youtu.be/lBDcx0IJY20