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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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Loistavaa suunnittelua. level is good though!
Painu hevon vittuun!
Second warnng this month! Jeff is naughty boy!
You can take your warnng and shove it up your sian peräsuoli!
geesh, take it easy guys!
Are you warnng me...?
No, she pushed me TOO FAR this time! Mommy and daddy are getting a divorce, Bobbert. Please understand, we both love you very much.
Yes, but you get the kids, they are not mine...
ONE drunk night with a kereru 47 years ago, and I've been paying for it my whole life..... ffeJ is definitely yours though. But believe me, I DO NOT want to know the story there.
ffej is an alien implant, gerry rules!
I agree! I still get a check from Questlove every month to spend on Gerry. I keep "forgetting" to tell him that Gerry moved out a LONG time ago.
Great level. I like the combo of different sorts of challenges and techniques whilst still being very accessible. <><><> by the way, I read that comment about the kereru. How is that never-talking-about-it-again?
I know, I know. I'm sorry to be airing our family's dirty laundry in public like this. It's just, I started having sessions with a family therapist, and she said we need to talk about this stuff if our family is to ever be happy and healthy. And I think she's 100% right about that. By the way, I'm bonin' her. Have been since the first session.
In your dreams!!!
Jelly? (And I'm not asking you if you're jealous. I'm literally asking if you have any jelly I can borrow. The therapist likes to get freaky deaky, and stuff from the fridge always comes into play.)
too much information!