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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).

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Hey Engin, stop making levels that are nicer than those made by Jeff and Ossi! You've probably heard of an inferiority complex:)
:) I want to think they are busy.
Think as much as you want, but the truth is that you are doing the best levels in GM's history:)
Thank you Tavros. Your words very important for me.
I agree, these levels are brilliant and extremely enjoyable, Engin! ---- Tavros, you must understand, Ossi and I created nearly 40% of all GM levels. We strive for quantity over quality haha.
Thank you. And actually 31.99 :) nearly 30%
1166 for Ossi, 1208 for me, and please add 553 from my fussy little cat ;) Also, GM levels start at 44, so 7492-43=7449, and 2927 is 39.3% of 7449. Soon, 3000 levels from us! And 10-20 of them were actually pretty good, yes? Okay, maybe 5-10.
1167 vere SUPER good, one is yours.
Yep. I average ONE great level every 6 years. So be patient, It's gonna be awhile before you see another good one!
No doubt that Engin is a diva. But I'm consistently impressed by Jeff and Ossi's levels I must admit. There's some very clever and very enjoyable-results creating going on around here.
Also, I watched that YouTube clip of Tavros solving the GM Game again yesterday. Even now I'm boggled at how insanely clever many of his solutions were.
I agree the same. But, please don't praise me anymore. Because my english is average and I'm afraid to say a mean and smug sentence. And I agree 100% about Jeff and Ossiukko. Their's nearly 50 games :) already in my favorites. And also Tavros is everybody's hero. This is unquestionable. And, Thank you Mr Bob!
Pig obey: engin sux!