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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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you guys are all geniuses
Hmm, maybe. Perhaps in the same way that Neil Peart is a genius because he's one of the most creative and technically proficient drummers to ever live, while Ringo Starr is a genius because he was actually left-handed, and found it difficult to get his sticks where they needed to be at the right time, which caused him to have a distinctive drag to his beat that the public eventually developed an appreciation for. --Make no mistake, in this analogy, Ossi is Ringo.
And Jeff is my left hand
Well, I was thinking genius more in the, mmm, ENO sense maybe...
This conversation is conversational geniosity at work. Cool work Ringo. Sorry, Ossi. Yes. It's true. For this kind of inane comment I deserve a smack in the...
Left cheek..?
Tail feathers?
you guys never heard of the expression, 'A smack in the kisser'?
In finland we say "kiss the smacker"
In America we say kISSA mYASSA