Cure for Crankiness

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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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The answer is... 6! Thanks Bob, for this opportunity to show off my astonishing mathematical abilities. I wanna thank all my teachers in the past who did their best to keep up with me intellectually, and also my mother for the genetic advantage she endowed me with, and basically I want to thank the universe for setting a place for me in the pantheon of godlike geniuses who have left their mark on... hang on... wait a sec... let me read this comment down below... Ah ok, it's just a smiley face thing. Well then just FORGET IT! [runs out of room embarrassed and slobber-crying]
don't worry, you're such a genius you managed to make a mathematical equation where none apparently existed! Wow! And you solved it!!!!
(of course, when mathematicians make an equation out of MY face it's usually unsolvable or the answer is pi, -2371 or the square root of 2.)
Lol, well then, congratulations-- you have the world's most INTERESTING FACE! As for me, I'd like to have a portrait made of myself, but the only artist who'd be capable of reproducing my face died long ago. Rest in peace, Jackson Pollock.
You watched Red Dwarf? "I think I feel a Jackson Pollock coming on." <><><><> sorry.
GAAAA! I was only joking about the paintings of the artist himself, but now that you've got me checking the internet for alternate meanings (beyond what you referenced), I'm horrified!
that's supposed to be an emoji of a guy looking slightly goggle-eyed and sticking his tongue out the side of his smiling mouth