
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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Awsome idearrrr
50K or shut up!
I have to admit it. My score sux!
I have to admit it, shut up, you're making me look bad.
Naw, your reputation as a GM superstar is rock solid, Bobbert.
Really, noboby? ÄÄÄÄH, kaikki pitää tehdä aina itse!!!
Lopeta kahden nimen käyttäminen!!!
I use only one name, you loggerhead!
No! The proper name "Ossiukko" ending with a standard "o" translates literally to "poopy head", while "Ossiukko" ending with a Greek omicron translates to "stupid face". Although both of these names DEFINITELY apply to you, they are clearly very different. //[EDIT: Brutal Finnish profanity replaced with cutesy English words. I didn't want Bob to Google those words and lose his childlike innocence.]
Blaa blaa blaa!
I'm currently warging my direwolf to go to Finland and eat your face. He's a slow swimmer, but he'll get there...
My secret weapon, Asia K, is waiting, she'll obliterate you and your direwolf!!!
Gaaa! She's a world-class assassin, known for throwing razor-edged fidget spinners at her victims. Ok, Slenderwoof is swimming back to Florida.
Hahaa, you're surrounded again...
Lol, stop cyberbullying me, you pugnacious old coot.