Who Is The Fastest 171

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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I'm only guessing here, but I strongly suspect that having an angry porcupine shoved up your wazoo would be more fun than playing this level. 5/5!
lol bad pig
I'll keep my score and stand in solidarity with my fellow GM comrades who are highly unlikely to find that bit of nonsense. ---O/5
---o, ---o and ---O
Easy my a$$ :)
Ye$, it wa$!
I'd rather contract a MRSA infection on my taint than play this level again. 5 stars!
Thanks W!
I'd rather deliberately contract toxic epidermal necrolysis then slide in the nude down the world's longest water-slide where the water has been swapped out for lemon juice, only to splash down into a pool of pig diarrheoa at the end than play this level again. One of the Ossiukus above gets 5 stars. The other gets a Liverpool kiss!
and, by the way, it was humorous to read Jeff suggesting a pineapple placed where the sun don't shine might be preferable to playing this level; followed by Ossi, with a look on his face like 'that was obvious, why didn't I think of that?" suggesting that would be easy; followed by Ossi, with a satisfied look on his face, confirming "Easy." lolorama. <><><> lol, where did I get pineapple from? I meant angry porcupine of course...
You broke the code, Bob!
Bahahaa, Wes n' Bob's preferences over this level are cracking me up. --- And Bob, I'm glad to amuse you with whatever wawa/pig/porcupine snuff film played out in your imagination. And good job cracking the code! I will accept this accomplishment with the sweet naiveté of a babe in the woods ~:)