Ball in Motion 001

Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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A verrry enjoyable bundle of levels. Much appreciated.
I had a long flight to think them up. I have at least a dozen more in the same vein.
You were summoned to Vilnius again to hang out with Astro75? That's fine. I'm not jealous. I hope you had fun together. Whatever. Who cares...
We saw a boy walking his blind dog and though of you. Well, I would have anyway, if I had thought of it.
Oh yeah? Well I saw a sloth and thought it was.. I mean it was just.. it was so friggin.. ah, never mind.. I'm too upset to think of a proper comeback.
Most animals I know are cuddly.
You haven't met Jeff...
I'd rather be a cool little wa-wa than a dried out old pig (or a vicious, bloodthirsty sloth). By the way, what is your avatar Kyle? My eyes aren't very good. It looks like a buncha crap on a shelf to me. You of all people should have a nice legible animal image to represent yourself.