
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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The scoreboard's gone all topsy-turvy.
Ha ha ha ha...I know that laugh.
"He laughs again, and his gross cronies join in a cacophony of alien glee" ...Speaking of gross cronies, Ossi should be waking up soon.
yes. For now...
The scoreboard flew past topsy-turvy, and shot straight into the Twilight Zone.
Tied no more.
was tied with ONE of the pigs.
i suppose that i have disrupted some sort of symmetrical pig roast.
tied again
not any more.
Take a screen-shot of that scoreboard! Although, I think your score is probably legitimately pretty safe. Verrrry nice.
What is this Sid? Do you have some kind of obsession? In that case, you're in good company...
Be careful, you have to pay Sid $1 for every time you restart this level. This could get expensive for you!
Hah, he owes me 50.000,- all ready!
Well, in 'merica, that decimal point in your figure makes it mean only 50. And I'm sure you hit the R button on this level 14 bajillion times. So don't ya be celebratin' too soon, laddie.