
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/file.phar.inc).
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Beer for 100 000 points !!! 5/5 Jeff. Again perfect - simple level...
Haha, 150 points? Keep trying Tavros... One day you'll be good at this game :P
Too fast answer... FBI?
I always respond pretty quickly when I hear the word "beer"!
· · · — — — · · ·
... but why SOS ?!
Just keeping you on your toes...
Really funny :)
Hey Tavros, 100,000 points--- You win the beer! I'm heading over with a 6 pack. You're 6000 miles away, so it's gonna take me a few hours. :P
6 is good start Jeff :) Are you on the plane now?
Hahaha, naaa. I can afford the 6 pack, but not the $1500 plane ticket :)
Don't worry - the prize "THE BEST GM2 LEVELS CREATOR" is a trip to Bulgaria :)
Haha! I think I'll build a house on mount Vitosha! (On second tought, I'd probably freeze to death. I live in Florida, so I've only seen snow a couple times in my life. Even then, it was only about an inch or two haha.)
Cheers Jeff!!!
Cheers Tavrossss
Yayyy, it only took me TEN MONTHS to get a good score on this level, haha :)
lol, Were you playing it each day?