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Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/

How long can descriptions be anyway? it looks like they can be pretty long looking at this space. maybe i can just fill this space up for fun with more words and text. possibly some punctuation too like periods. periods are fun, but they're not for men. real men don't have periods. real men drink orange juice because that's just how it is ok. so just drink some juice if you're a real man. but enough small talk, that's what i heard someone say once. but enough small talk, let's get down to buisiness. so you're here, i'm here, well not anymore... but you're here and you should just beat this level. go on beat it. it's not that hard. keep it up. almost there... OH no you lost oh well. uh. try again. meanwhile, i'm getting better at typing. i'm even using the correct fingers. speaking of typing, the sentence, the brown fox jumps over the lazy dog, has every letter of the english alphabet in it. but also i'm surprised i haven't run out of room or something. it just keeps scrolling down to reveal more space. did you beat the level yet? is this filling up your screen? or does it get cut off somehow? i drink orange juice. therefore i am i man. Indeed. also, unicrons cannot fly, and i cannot fly. therefore i am a unicorn. you can't fly either, i bet, you're a unicorn too, eh?... well? ok just ignore me. fine.

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Interesting thoughts in the description. Not to nitpick, but you have to add the word "quick" to the "brown fox" sentence in order for it to have all 26 letters in it. Also, I must respectfully disagree with your comments on orange juice. They were shallow and pedantic. However, your conclusions about unicorns are dead on! Well done, good sir.
indeed, i forgot the word quick. well duh, i just said things as soon as they came to mind jsut to fill in the description. disclaimer: nothing can be held true from the description.