
Error message

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /home/gravitym/public_html/includes/
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Cool! :) <><><> I won't say how many tries that took, haha..
Evil :p
Level or aaa? or both?
Haa, I knew it!!!
Uggg! My internet has been down all day. Killing me! I can only see GM on my little phone, haha. But yes, Aaa, you are Evil! :(((((
Confirmed - ааа is the Evil :)
Lol :) No dinner for Aaa tonight. Also, one hour standing in a corner!
Oh no, if you look a little bit further, you will see that the level is the evil. I am just a player that was sucked into its evilness. :p
No excuse for you :)
Then what about for the creator of this level? :p
Ossiukko is blameless. His heart was pure when designing this level. :)
Ha! Then maybe you should look up more often. :p
Agree :) <><><> Too long polemics...
Lol, I know you don't have time for our nonsense..
Blameless??? The official term is probably non compos mentis
Yes, that applies to many of us around here, haha..
Not me :)
Somebody call my cable company and get my internet working again!!! No TV either!! I'm dying, haha... Aaa really DID suspend my account!! <><><> Okay, it's back up...
I decided that your account didn't need to be suspended anymore :)
Haha, thank you! I will never underestimate your power again!
easy :P
Haha, well, he is correct-- 150 IS easy :)